Dual study programme in Business Informatics: Field report

HDI Group ,
Hey I am Simone!

I was exactly in your position in 2012. At the time, I applied to HDI for the dual study programme in business informatics with a focus on software engineering at the Cologne location.

Feel free to read on!

Start of training

At the time, I didn't really know what to expect - I didn't have any prior knowledge of computer science. But I was very interested in the content of the course and the offer from HDI to fill it with practical content at the same time. 2013 was the start of the training. I was able to learn various development languages and use some of them directly in the company. At the same time, I learned that HDI as an insurance company is very diverse: Technically, from app development and AI for insurance products to cashless payment for your lunch as an employee in our Group - it was all there. And technologically from cloud to mainframe. I used the training period to find out which topic was particularly interesting for me. But also the question: "In what role would I like to work after the training?"

Formative experiences

The experience that shaped me the most during my training was the close, daily dialogue with my various trainers and the feedback I received both in terms of content and on a personal level. This helped me a lot in my personal development. When, during the course of my training, I wanted to complete a practical phase in a department other than IT, the training planning department did everything it could to fulfil my individual wish. I was able to spend time in the HR department and find out what my colleagues do on a daily basis and what the technical challenges are there, for example.

This also meant that I had the "developer" degree in my pocket and then became more interested in the interface between the specialist area and IT at HDI. In a three-year IT project, I was able to get to know HDI's four major locations in Germany and initiate optimisations in various teams as a lean manager. In the meantime, I'm back deeper into IT itself ... and three guesses where? Of course, at the interface between HR issues and IT implementation. I work both as an SAP Consultant in the HR area and as a Product Owner for SAP R/3 HCM products. From time to time I am available as a trainer for the dual students. As you can see, you can get to know a lot of subject areas and roles at HDI - if you want to.

Maybe I'll see you soon as a colleague at one of the locations... I'd be delighted

Until then - good luck, Simone

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