The big buzz: Bees at HDI Platz

HDI Group ,

The work of industrious bees is more important than ever: they are irreplaceable for pollinating flowers, fruit trees and crops. For Dr. Klaus von Schierstedt, a passionate amateur beekeeper and Head of Department at HDI Systeme, the life of bees "always offers surprises and a fantastic cosmos all its own."
The HDI Group's sustainability community has now settled two bee colonies at HDI Platz in Hanover.

Bees at HDI

Bienen am HDI Platz_Teaserbild

Dr. Klaus von Schierstedt looks after the HDI Group's two bee colonies.

The advantages of city bees over country bees

While many companies have to resort to rented bee colonies, we are lucky at the HDI Group. Dr. Schierstedt provides us with two of his brightly painted bee boxes on a permanent basis and takes care of his furry charges. He believes they are well positioned for life at HDI Platz and also knows the advantages of "city bees": "In the countryside, for example, the rapeseed flowers for about two weeks. After flowering, there is then hardly any supply for the bees. In the city, there is usually a very diverse supply available throughout the season."

Part of the HDI sustainability strategy

To make the animals feel at home, upgrades are also being made around the building. "The plan is for us to put out some flowering plants in the back area of the HDI property. Other ideas are always very welcome," says von Schierstedt. The sustainable use of buildings and land is one of many building blocks in our sustainability strategy . In addition to greening roofs, this also includes the settlement of important insect species such as bees - represented here by the honey bee.